Vicar, St Albans Church Broadheath
Reverend Daud Gill
It has been an absolute privilege to collaborate with Hello Buddy. Their unwavering commitment to our shared vision of promoting social cohesion at the grassroots has been inspiring.
We look forward to continuing this journey with Hello Buddy and hope our collaboration will continue to create transformative opportunities and lasting outcomes.
With gratitude and admiration,
Reverend Daud Gill
Reform Rabbi, South Manchester
Rabbi Fabian Sborovsky
By creating enjoyable opportunities for engagement and friendship amongst children from different religious faiths and backgrounds and their parents, Hello Buddy helps to build and sustain stronger bonds of understanding, appreciation and cooperation across our rich and diverse society.
It is my pleasure to endorse Hello Buddy and its contribution towards building a better society for all.
Rabbi Fabian​

Co-Chair The Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester
Mohammed Amin MBE
I think it is important to reduce the risk of Muslim, Jewish, Christian and non-religious pupils in Britain growing up living parallel lives with
negligible contact with other communities.
Accordingly, I believe that projects like
Hello Buddy are needed and am happy to endorse it.
Mohammed Amin

Hello Buddy is so wonderful! I am a big believer of us all being one people and that religion should not divide us
Participant at our Holiday Camp
This is the best group ever ! Love it so much

Hello Buddy is such a brilliant initative and so important. My girls loved every minute.